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Tauras Blaževičius

Psychoanalysis / Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in English & Lithuanian

Insight, Depth, and Lasting Psychological Change

These are the overarching goals of my psychotherapeutic practice. True to the psychoanalytic method, I see reflection and self-exploration as essential in overcoming the many burdens of our mental life. In psychoanalysis, we believe that behind every suffering there is a story waiting to be told - a story of a cry once interrupted, an anger that never found expression, a pain or grief that was never fully acknowledged. Whether it be anxiety, guilt, depression, or relationship struggles, we find that each particular issue brings with it a backstory that is deeply personal. Therapy is there to help us find the words to tell it.

Psychoanalysis aims to open up a space where these painful and often frightening elements of our experience can be reflected upon, explored, and understood. In this regard, the stereotype that psychoanalysis concerns itself with the past is absolutely true: the past is important insofar as it burdens our present and prevents us from arriving at a freer, more fulfilling future. Ultimately, the ambition of psychoanalysis is to go beyond initial symptom relief and help us form a path towards a life more meaningful and true to oneself.

If you wish to learn more, I invite you to schedule a first consultation appointment via phone or email. The consultation is free of charge and offers you a chance to test the waters before making a decision.

Pricing and Services

90€ per session (price decreases with each additional weekly session)


Teletherapy (remote psychotherapy)

85€ per session (price decreases with each additional weekly session)

Initial Consultation

Free of Charge

Important: As a Psychotherapist under Supervision, I do not work with any insurance companies (public or private). Therefore, reimbursement of the therapy costs is not possible.

Curriculum vitae

Bachelor's Degree in Psychotherapy Science (Sigmund Freud University Vienna, 2023)

Master's Degree in Psychotherapy Science Ongoing (Sigmund Freud University Vienna)

Psychoanalytic Training at the Psychoanalytisches Seminar Innsbruck (Kolloquium I completed in 2024, Kolloquium II ongoing)

Clinical intern at the "Vasaros G." Psychiatric Hospital in Vilnius, Department of Psychotherapy (2022 & 2024)

Individual Psychotherapist at the Sigmund Freud International Outpatient Clinic Vienna (2024-2025)

Memberships & Affiliations

Member of the Psychoanalytisches Seminar Innsbruck (PSI)

Member of the Vereinigung Österreichischer PsychotherapeutInnen (VÖPP)


My office is located at Wickenburggasse 3, less than 5 minutes away from the U2 station Rathaus as well as various tram lines.


Wickenburggasse 3/11, 1080, Vienna

Current availability

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays for in-person

Mo-Fri for teletherapy